
{day one: february}


There are moments in time when we feel as though someone has hit pause on the remote control of life. When we try hard to take the next step forward but something, anything, holds us in this place, in a perpetual "hurry up and wait" mode. In a life, as I've referenced in our blog many times, that flies by the seat of my pants - there are these glimpses that remind me constantly that I have no real control of my fate. We hold our breath, we pray, we believe, we lose hope, we get discouraged, we stop, we try to go, but essentially the moment- the one bit of life, the information that we lack, is what we wait to breathe for ... we just sit and wait. How hard is it to NOT think - will things be ok, can this be the chance, will it change my life, will everything stay the same, and will I survive? And the questions, for one second haunt us until someone or something provides us the solace to move, to know, to be able to prepare. How often do we physically race through our day multi-tasking everything down to when we use the bathroom (emailing while we do). Do we realize we are suspended in time by information that we need in order to make a decision or choice that meanders us down the path of experience. What we do in times when we know nothing but to just sit... and wait?

We trust and love and freak out and sigh and stress and fight and just when we least expects it... life happens...

“Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages.”

― George Washington

*k 2.21.10